
Since I heard the first song I heard of theirs, and by that I mean theirs 2012 track for “No One’s Safe In Soho” I felt that Milton Keynes’ own Ocasan had that certain something that makes you think “These guys are on to something”. And now I really suggest listening to THAT song before you check out the latest “Camden Casualty” to see just how much of a progression stylistically Ocasan has made in just a few short years as it’s really a pleasure to behold for the truest of music aficionados.  As they say in the opening verse of “Camden Casualty” in which “Light travels faster than sound…” it makes it more prophetic when you encapsulate this saying into the band’s musical journey.

In this interview we talk about that very journey and how Ocasan is incorporating the styles of the past into something totally original for the new indie of the present. It is really something to behold.

“Camden Casualty” is out now!

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