
Dedication, hard work, strong ethics, and sheer talent is what it takes to make it in the highly competitive industry known as music. It takes far more than just looks. So don’t let the band known as Everybody Looks Famous fool you with their name. As I talk with Lex in this interview, it is easy to see that the band has all of the qualities mentioned in the first sentence. And I must say that this is an informative interview with a guest who knows where she stands and what needs to be done to achieve the band’s goals and that is a rare thing in any group today. They are not just a band but a focused team with a finely honed agenda and a clear bullet-ted list on what must be achieved to make this a career and, for that, they not only have my sincere fandom but they also have my respect.


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About Everybody Looks Famous
Everybody Looks Famous consists of founding members Tom (guitar / vocals) & Phil (drums), Grace (keyboard / synth), Lex (lead vocals) and Joe (guitar / vocals). The band signed with Go Faster Music Group in 2011 and have since been featured on the Red Bull Bedroom Jam as one of the 8 finalists. They have appeared at the Ultrasound (Midlands Music Festival) 3 years running and have also headlined two, 6 date UK tours.

SOURCE: Official Bio
