Can you hear your heart start falling? When he holds you close, is your mind going crazy? If you could say one thing about the one, what would you say? Find out what Hali Hicks has to say about where her true love had originally started.

Where are you originally from?

When did you start performing music?
I have been singing in church since before I could talk, momma says.

I started traveling around singing with my family’s Gospel group at age 7.   

Which instruments do you play?
Guitar is my primary instrument. Although, I can find my way around on the fiddle, banjo, and piano.

Describe your music interests and abilities.
I was raised on Southern Gospel, Classic Country, and Bluegrass. Through the years I have found a love for most every genre. 

What famous musicians inspire you?
I have too many influences to name. But at the top of the list would be Dolly Parton and Lynyrd Skynyrd.

What are some of your best musical memories?
I have many happy memories of my family and me in my grandparent’s living room playing and singing together. Nine times out of ten I could pull up in my grandparent’s yard and hear my Poppa Hicks playing the fiddle as soon as I’d get out of the car. I’d walk in the door and join him and then my brother or somebody else would join in, and before you know it, we had a room full of pickers and singers.

What public events do you have coming up?

Right now I am getting ready for my New Year’s Eve show at The Acca Temple in Richmond, Va. I live in Nashville and I sing regularly around town. Mainly Tuesday’s at Legends Corner 2:45-6:15 and Wednesday’s at Bar Lines 12p-4p.

What would you say to beginners in the industry, who are nervous?
If you love it and really want to pursue it, just go for it. Give it all you’ve got. The worst anyone can say is No. And believe me they will. 😉

How do you balance your music with your family and friends?
My husband and I live by this order:

“God then Family then Career.” 

Should we be expecting anything?
I just released a new EP this Summer titled, Stealin.’ ..It is available on iTunes and other digital stores. Or you can come to my shows and buy an actual CD.

Where can we follow your career at?

Do you get nervous before a performance?
Not usually, but yes there are times when I still get nervous. 

Do you attend jam sessions?
Every time I go back home to Georgia to visit we always tend to have jam sessions. What makes a good jam session to me is just jamming with great pickers and singers that love music as much as I do. 

How do you handle mistakes during a performance?

“Just keep going. And if it just keeps getting worse, well, then all that’s left to do is just laugh it off.” 


Who’s your biggest supporter?
I am actually touched by the number of “biggest supporters” I have. My family has always been VERY supportive. My husband and my in-laws have been exceptionally supportive of my career. I am so blessed to have every one of them as my “Number One” fan.

What’s your favorite song to perform and why?
Ahhhh. That question…That question is always a tough one. I absolutely LOVE to sing. And I probably know a thousand songs. It is impossible to narrow it down to just one. 

 How do you keep your voice smooth through all those shows?


The best medicine to me keeping my voice strong is rest. If I haven’t had enough rest in a few days I can tell my voice is tired. Yes, sometimes singing on a regular basis is exhausting, but if I can manage my rest I am all good.

What’s the most important thing to remember while being on your own in Nashville?
My momma and sister moved up here with me when I was 15 years old. We needed to return home to Georgia for various reasons. When I was 17 I decided Nashville was where I needed to be, so I found some friends that wanted to go. We found an apartment, I loaded up my truck, told daddy I was leaving and he said “So you’re really going?” I said, “Yep.” He said, “ok follow me to the Farmer’s Store”, (which is a gas station close to the house.)  

“He filled up my tank and gave me $100.”


That was March of 2008 and I am still in Nashville to this day. I love it here and I don’t have plans of leaving anytime soon. 

I have done a whole lot of praying about my career. I feel like God wants me to pursue a career in Nashville. If you feel that pull on your heart, the kind of pull that assures you this is what you are supposed to do, then I believe things will fall into place for you because it’s what you are supposed to be doing. 

About Johnny Naylor:
author-naylor-smJohnny Naylor is the founder and owner of 1st Shot Music and a feature writer for Jammerzine. His work can also be found on 1st Shot Music and Naylor’s Notes. You can also get his latest updates on his facebook page.