1. Ragnarök Still In The Fight 5:18

Still In The Fight was formed in May of 2020 By Gary “Goose” Kreisher and Dan “Bayonet” Musselman. Goose served in the United States Army for almost 23 years and retired in 2016. Bayonet served in the United States Army as well but didn’t become a “lifer.” Both being Veterans (and old) we started this hard hitting band with some core values.

We have been playing instruments/music since we were both teens, so you do the math. Goose went to school for recording and sound as well as photo and film, so all the audio of Still In The Fight and Videos are done by his expertise. Bayonet is a versatile musician who is a hell of a drummer and guitarist. We didn’t want to be a cover band or sound just like everyone else. Instead, we wanted to express ourselves with our own music compositions and experiences.

The name, “Still In The Fight” fit us well and was an easy choice for the band name. First, being that we are both Veterans. Secondly, being that we have been musicians since we were kids, and still haven’t given up on our dream. Lastly, that we are a couple old dudes who don’t know the word quit.

Over the short time that Still In The Fight has been together we have gone through several other musicians due to various reasons, which has prevented us from doing any shows together at this point. Another set back was that Bayonet had lower back surgery in July and he is still having complications of that. So for now, we are just doing studio work.

In early 2021 we released two singles to place us on the map while we continues to work on a full length 12 song album. The album titled “Deceptive” was released in October 2021. We are already working on several other songs for a second release, hopefully in 2022.

SOURCE: Official Bio
