In looking back at the year 2018, I find myself with the realization that 2018 was a great year for indie. We here at Jammerzine found a gigantic rise in not only the number of excellent indie artists but a tremendous rise in the level of quality.

It was also a great year for Jammerzine and Jammer Direct. With significant rises in traffic retention and new traffic on this website, we also saw our video site, which launched in October. 2017, really take off with premieres now happening weekly with bigger and better artists. Jammerzine also completely moved our original show titled ‘Jammerzine’s The Week in Indie’ over to Amazon Prime, Comcast Xfinity, and our aforementioned video site Jammer.Direct. We have a lot of new things coming for the indie artist with a new partnership with a major company as well as a new business venture.

But enough about us. This is about the best artists of 2018. This was a hard list to come up with and, to be honest, we decided again this year to NOT place anyone in any particular order. This means that there is NO #10 or NO #1. We simply view these artists as the best of 2018. Also, while we will show in this list one of the tracks or albums or videos that we have previously reviewed within the list, this list is recognizing the artist and not so much the music featured.

Ok, let’s get started (page number links are below the share buttons & related content on this page)…