The Rise: Part 1
The Rise: Part 1

“The Rise: Pt 1” is the new EP from Ipswitch, UK based outfit Fenrir. Featuring a set of six tracks that pour their heart out in ways that enthuse the listener and inspire the imagination. The opening track, “Tell My Wife I said Hello” opens with a powerful melodic chord progression that sets the stage for the proper introduction of lead vocalist Ben Slater and sonically rises to heights rarely achieved with a band of this age with a well polished and powerful song. Every track is a continuation on different levels of the musical journey that is “The Rise: Part 1”. My personal favorite track is a very beautiful piece entitled “Einn”. My only disappointment in this EP is that such a classic and aurally stunning track is only 1:18.

I’m glad that they have already indicated that this is part 1 because, like all great originals, it’s good to know there will be more.

“The Rise: Part 1” will be released on the 21st September 2015. Until then, check out their latest video “Bones”.

About Fenrir:
Introducing FENRIR, a five-piece alternative rock band born in Ipswich who will release their new EP ‘The Rise’ this summer off the back of a full UK tour.

“It’s been 2 years since our last record and although we’ve released 2 separate singles since then we think this EP really shows a distinct progression.” explains guitarist Mike Cockayne. “More than anything it’s more refined than our older songs and it really shows what we’re all about.”

For fans of Mallory Knox, Alexisonfire and Fall Out Boy, FENRIR throw everything into their live shows. Nowadays it’s hard to get a good turnout with regular venue closures and age restrictions but this quintet try not to let that get to them and throw as much energy into an empty show as they would to a packed out theatre.

BBC Introducing have been big fans of the band for a while, playing their latest singles ‘Flash Fires’, ‘Confessions’ and ‘Ruins’, along with receiving great reviews of their last EP across the board. This EP release is the next step for the band that can’t wait to show the world what they have been working on.

Fenrir are:
Ben Slater, Vocals
Mike Cockayne, Guitar/Vocals
Krishan Alwis, Guitar Lewis Rudkin, Bass
Ben Brennan, Drums