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The Test Drive: Kissing Party - Looking Back It Was Romantic But At The Time I Was SuffocatingTired of Ty Segal? Bored with Beck? Wanna slit your wrists at the thought of another Jack White album…

From the Mile High City comes Kissing Party, your new favorite band whether you like it or not.


How much emotional weight can one impart in a two minute pop rock structure?
Such is the game Kissing Party plays, as sampled on their new album “Looking back it was romantic but at the time i was suffocating’.

At the forefront of the ‘Slop Pop’ movement, Kissing Party is the sound of debt, regret, heartbreak, hair dye & Pennsylvania. This is the band’s second release on Denver’s Hot Congress Records (Denver, USA) available on CD, Vinyl, Cassette and download.

“Kissing Party has nearly perfected what it was already doing best: making straight ahead, two-minute pop songs that stick to the mind like glue.”
The Onion A.V. Club

“Kissing Party encourage even the wallflowers amongst us to take to the dance floor, or at least give us a reason to drink up.”
Three Imaginary Girls

“Pure among douchebags and fashion victims.”
Jason Heller (NPR, Pitchfork)

“John Hughes would have made Kissing Party richer than Lindsay Lohan’s lawyer.”
Slug Magazine

“Surprsingly sincere, emotionally engaging and fun without a hint of irony.”

“OMFG it’s so ridiculously good!”
Derby News Network

“I’m all for new genre tags especially when they rhyme, fun! One i’ve been seeing bubble up of late is “slop pop” at the forefront of which are Denver band Kissing Party.”
Speak Into My Good Eye

“Without question, you will be hooked once you hear them.”
Skope Magazine

“Kissing Party makes me want to dance and drink and dance some more.”
My Backpages (Twist & Shout Records)

“Kissing Party offer pure pop pleasure in 2 minute increments.”
Crappie Indie Music

“Ah, love at first play. Floats my boat like pain killers over a broken heart.”

“An irresistible blast of no wave pop music.”
Pennyblackmusic UK

“Se podría decir que Kissing Party es la antítesis de grupos como The Drums.”

“Though the sound may not have changed dramatically, the songs are better in an undefinable way. They are well-crafted little powerhouses of pop music even the most cynical and jaded music fan can love. This album should reignite the national underground buzz the band deserved years ago.”
Reverb (Denver Post)