Robert Taira Wilson is a London singer, guitarist & songwriter from London who has just released a new album, “Nail And Hammer”. From the lyrics in the opening track, “Our Normal Way”, where Robert emphasizes “The more I know, the less I care…” I knew I was listening to someone who was in the know. And that know is the purity of music. Everything is in place here and absolutely nothing is meant to be filler. And it isn’t. The guitars are lush and intricate. The lyrics are poignant and thought provoking. Everything is beautiful. “Nail And Hammer” is a life soundtrack to an adventure yet lived. The legacies of Jim Croce, Cat Stevens, and Dave Matthews are alive and well and are in capable hands to be continued in the assured hands of Robert Taira Wilson.

In His Own Words:
I am a musician from London and I recently released my debut album ‘Nail And Hammer’. I have also just finished making a hand-drawn animated music video for my song ‘She’s Coming’. This has yet to be released/published online anywhere (private link below). I would love to be featured, reviewed or interviewed on your wonderful music site. Is it possible to apply?

For three years I used to live in Osaka, Japan with my wife, during which time I worked with a independent label based in Kyoto. Japanese folk and classical music left a big impression on my guitar playing and I have tried to emulate the dynamic sound of the koto into my guitar technique (especially on my song ‘who said’, link below). I came back to London alone last year in order to work on this CD. The idea has been to make this album and try my best to get my music off the ground. As you can imagine, the experience has been simultaneously exhilarating, dispiriting, empowering and incapacitating.

I wanted to make this CD differently to how most of the mainstream music is currently being made, especially in Japan. I wanted to record everything live and capture the roughness and energy of a live performance. Instruments on the record are double bass, drums, guitar and vocals, with piano making an appearance on two songs. We had little money but what we did have was the ability to play the songs live. So we utilized this aspect with little overdubbing or post production used.

As much as its been an artistic learning curve it has also been a business one too. I’ve learned many lessons, the most important of which is that it is impossible to do things alone in the music business. This is why I am writing to you to see if you would take a listen to my CD and/or music video.