Tony Volker gives another stellar performance with his new album titled ‘Where The Light Gets In’. His stylings have always been a bit eclectic, which is something I love, but his pop and hook writing skills really shine on this latest outing. I compare him somewhat to Michael Penn because of that unique blend of endearing quirkiness, originality, and use of instruments from, not only different stylings but different cultures. And they blend so well.

‘Where The Light Gets In’ is out now on all digital platforms.

About Tony Volker

Tony Volker is a South London songwriter who makes artfully produced Electro-Folk. Volker’s songs are produced at his home using a mix of classic audio recording and subtle, sparse electronics. Volker delivers vivid imagery courtesy of both experimental, textured sounds and symbolic lyrics delivered with emotion and character.

His last release “Break & Reshape EP” garnered attention from NME and Four Culture Magazine among others with lead single Kingdom of the Beasts being played by Blur’s Dave Rowntree on XFM and Chris Hawkings at BBC Radio 6Music.

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Citing James Holden and the Animal Spirits, Francis Bebey and Goat as some of the key influences, his latest release, Where the Light Gets In, draws on, Indian ragas, Electronica, Psychedelia, Folk, Hip Hop, Pop, Grunge and Indie to create a kaleidoscopic and textured listening experience. Lyrically the album attempts to offer a positive and optimistic perspective on contemporary anxieties and traumas on both a personal and social level.
