I hope you like listening to music without wearing socks, because Two State Nation will blow your socks off. It’s a horrible pun, but I couldn’t help myself. The title track of “10 Foot Golden” is a bit more “heavy” than I expected, and has a bit of a punk element to it as well. A versatile mix of styling that I found myself liking quite a bit. I was expecting the rest of the album to have the same feel, but I was quite surprised by how diverse the music was. “Westboro Blues” had a bit of a latin flare to it, something I would expect from a Carlos Santana collaboration. Then you have some very bluesy tracks like “Love Come Evil” and “I Lied”. If you’re looking for diversity, this is a great album, and did I mention that the music is actually very good? This album is one of the top 5 that I’ve downloaded this year, and I go through a lot of music. “Scream in Whispers” has a riff that you will have to seek a doctors advise to have it removed from your brain. I have been singing this song for a week now. This is your traditional power rock jam that just makes you want to jump!

Lead Singer, Shellina Ryals, said that the band chose to do analog recordings because they “love the energy of a live show, and didn’t want the album to miss out on that feeling of intensity.”

If you’re interested in checking this music out, you can see them on iTunes at bit.ly/1u4DMKS or you can buy them at Two State Nation’s Official Site at twostatenation.com

They will be announcing their Fall tour dates in the next few weeks, so keep an eye on that website if you want to catch them live. Expected cities include Southeastern locations (Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Savannah, Nashville, and more).