AUA is set to drop their new album titled ‘The Damaged Organ’ this Friday (January 21st, 2022), via Crazy Sane Records. From that first electronic set of sounds from the opening track (No One Famous Ever Came From Here), I get the feeling this album is telling a story. Almost recorded with that vibe of being a concept, ‘The Damaged Organ’ basks in it’s originality and musters the sonic courage to play on as itself. This album just is. And is in such a good and inspiring way. Alienation as a soundtrack to alienation. A score for the id. The magic, to me, was getting the feelings each song invokes in me down to audio, but, I think some of that magic comes from letting true artists be the true artists they are. Some say God created the world in seven days, but they never mention the fact that he had no one looking over his shoulder.

About ‘The Damaged Organ’

AUA’s second album, “The Damaged Organ”, explores in depth the concept of alienation. While the duo’s songs approach this topic with introspection (‘I am a stranger to body’) as well as a sociological perspective (‘I am alien to this world’), to a certain extent the album is also a story of a search for identity: ‘Who am I and how do I fit into this world?’ Musically, this is reflected in a space that seems more boundless than AUA’s 2020 debut, “I Don’t Want It Darker”. New possibilities open up. There is more at stake.

All the more astonishing that this multifaceted work was once again recorded in DIY fashion. Before production started, Fabian Bremer and Henrik Eichmann went hunting for strange and unusual electronic instruments, seeking inspiration and new sounds which would expand upon AUA’s already eclectic mix of explosive Motorik beats, Carpenter-esque arpeggios, and surf guitars.