Caitlynne Curtis has just released her new video for the single titled ‘I Will Survive’. With March being National Women’s Month, what better way to celebrate the impact that women have, not only on the world, but those around us.

For me personally, it has usually been a woman that’s picked me up when I’ve been down. Whether it be my fiancé, my mother, or those close to me. Women have usually been my mentors; both in my professional and personal life.

It’s that quiet highlighting of mentorship that I get with this first look. That unspoken bond between mother and child. Captured with a beautiful melody and memorable hook.

I have to admit, though, the real star of this video may be the boy. You have to watch when he takes the song over. It will add a beautiful chuckle to your voice and a happy tear to your eye.

About Caitlynne Curtis

Caitlynne Curtis started singing when she was 3 years old. She fondly remembers, “I used to sing to my grandma.” When she was 6 her mom put her in voice lessons. The minute she got her first solo she said, “It’s like I knew from then on that music is what I wanted to do.” Her parents moved her whole family down to Nashville from Massachusetts when she was twelve so that she could pursue music.

After receiving a heartbreaking rejection from X Factor at the tender age of 16, Caitlynne thought she blew her chance at being a singer, but she never really gave up. Her life took a detour when she had her son at 19. Selling cars to support herself and her son, she would record covers of songs to her Instagram as a small way to keep her dream alive. Fortunately, the stars aligned and the right person came along to change everything. Now, thirteen years after moving to Nashville, Caitlynne is realizing her dream.