100599-celadoncandyceladoniaEssentially a side project for Paul Allgood in between Wedlock albums, CeladonCandy mainly consisted of Allgood(vox,sampling) and Jason Bowden(programming, keyboards), and subsequently Josh Whitehead(keyboards) and Jorge Rangel(keyboards, programming).

They began collaborating in 2008, during which Bowden remixed a couple of Wedlock tracks. Following difficulties with Wedlock, Allgood and Bowden reconnected and 2 short EPs(cc:&fwd:)resulted before they too disbanded; Allgood then resumed writing new Wedlock material.The project remained nearly dormant until UK Indie label Trinity Eclipse took an interest in the remixes and demo work Rangel and Allgood had been tinkering with during the hiatus.’Celadonia’ in 2016 was the result.

SOURCE: Official Bio
