I stole gas from kurt corbain’s car:

brian kild is the lead singer of electric peace and in early 1990’s was living on 2153 1/2 highland ave ( now a park ) and kurt cobain was living at 6881 Alta Loma Terrace. parking in the hollywood bowl parking lot was allowed when there were no shows and that’s where kurt and brian parked. brian was caught stealing gas from kurt’s car which is something brian did a lot of at the time. kurt yelled at brian that he was going to kick hIs ass from his famous in utero house up on the hill from the parking lot. brian thought that it was funny that someone was going to kick his ass from a house on top of a hill. brian didn’t know who kurt was and told him he was a junkie and to go fuck himself.

I was in prison with Rick James bitch:

In 1994, brian kild found himself at the norco correctional facility in california with nonother than rick james. brian and rick had to take a self help class together in order to have their sentences reduced, which is called “good time ” in prison slang. on the last day of class, everyone had to give a presentation or else you were going to spend more time in prison. rick james gave his presentation and said he was going straight . brian gave his presentation and said he was going straight too. at the end of each presentation , everyone was allowed to comment. rick james commented that brian wouldn’t last a year and be back in prison or dead. well look who’s dead now bitch.


brian kild was picking up his girlfriend in 1980 from kim’s upstairs apartment in hollywood. it was late at night so brian got out of his 1970 plymouth cuda and knocked on the door. kim was putting together another one of his all girl bands called hollywood girls. kim took too long to answer so brian banged on the door. still no answer. brian walked down the stairs and when he got to the bottom a tall thin old guy comes out the door.

“hey, what the fuck is your problem”, kim said. “fuck you”said brian, “where’s shane”(brian’s big tittied girlfriend). then kim said after a long stare down with brian that seemed like an hour, ” you don’t know weather to piss or shit your in your pants”. shane came down a few minutes later.

SOURCE: Official Bio
