Described as “that sweet spot between electronic warbling and heartfelt orchestration”, Go Robot is a UK rock band that sucks you in with succour and lifts you up with cautious optimism. Dealing with alienation, paranoia, and disappointment, the band will be releasing their debut EP, Good Intentions, at the end of 2019.

While writing their EP, the band decided to focus their efforts solely in the studio rather than live in order to be able to explore different instrumentations without restraint. This unconventional approach has been lauded by critics, who remarked on the varied instrumentation and “astonishing sonic variety” in their eclectic debut single, Smoke.

Taken from their upcoming EP, Smoke is a nostalgia-fuelled track about the unnecessary pressure we put ourselves under and has been praised for having “no ego, no spite, and no anger, no ex and no call to stand up and get sassy, no soul searching, no self-praise or loathing. Instead, [it has] a comforting wrap-around warmth that understands hurt and assures.” With a jittery, imperfect stop-motion music video to match, Smoke tugs at your heartstrings in all the right ways.

Go Robot will soon be following this success with the release of their second single, The Gallows. A personal song about sex addiction and infidelity in an otherwise loving relationship, The Gallows will be released on October 18th.

SOURCE: Official Bio