The Boats - Segundo
The Boats – Segundo

The Boats second album, aptly titled Segundo, arrives 8 years after their debut release Los Musicos Perdidos. It’s been a long time between drinks, but the difficult second album has survived many set backs, including one member’s two year hiatus in Berlin. Now after 8 long years, it’s done.

Segundo was recorded at JMC Studios in Melbourne in the summer of 2006/2007, over two of the hottest days on record. The approach was simple, to go into a recording studio and improvise, everything. For the most part, this was true, a majority of the album is purely improvised. A couple of tracks were born from riffs brought to the table, others were spawned from inspiration, tom tom bustles and plectrum hustles. What followed was forged through the driving emotion of Melbourne’s extreme heat, and the kind of raw intensity that can only be produced from the marriage of glowing Fender valves and vintage Ludwig drums.

Segundo is an epic, sprawling, largely improvised and yet focused instrumental post-rock album, fully formed and complex. A much darker record than the debut release. It explores themes of urban aggression, the inherent destructive nature of modern society and the beautiful yet tragic imagery associated with isolation.

Play it loud.