99064-The_Late_Heavy_by_The_ClinicAt 22 years old, Joseph Sardina, Hip Hop artist and producer aka The Clinic, created Non-Stop Records and released the labels first album “Starvin” by Lil Joe in 2005. Lil Joe was an alias and nickname used by The Clinic during the early years of his music career. Non-Stop Records now has over 10 albums from several artists like The Clinic, Tha Clairemonstaz, Quic, Mr. So high, Rage Child, Cali Mike, Mr. Lean and more.

All of our music is available worldwide in over 30 online music stores including i-tunes, google play, rhapsody, amazon, spotify, iHeartRadio, Sony music, Xbox music, and many more…

Learn more about Non-Stop Records via social media and thank you for visiting our site, dont forget to share us with your friends and listen to us online today!

SOURCE: Official Bio
