With the release of the Good Reasons EP, Tim McFate brings a new feel to a classic genre. Lush with soulful vocal harmonies, addicting progressions, and n almost 90’s alternative style, the record boasts the aesthetic of indie folk anthems. Although the songs are diverse from one another, there is a glue that holds it all together much like a concept album would. Most importantly, the record never loses sight of the emotional platform great songs are built from.

The first single, “New England Sky”, is an instant folk classic. Complete with a straight forward lyrical scheme, and powerful vocal melodies that swell, and a classic rock feel, the song seems to build and breathe as it plays on.

“’New England Sky’ is what homeless folk around me live under. It is also what the first settlers up this way saw…. and I see it every day. The song is about urban Homeless, street life and my relation to it. My relationship with my wife and how she keeps me from drifting. It is a love song. ”, explains the songwriter of his single.

Although the single does speak volumes for the record, to get a real understanding of where McFate is coming from, it should be heard in its entirety.

“I find songwriting to be so instructional, after recording songs to look for what I can take away from the mix, to find the heart of the story. That is an ongoing evolution. The songs are stories that I want to tell. They all start as notes to myself. They are all pretty personal and this is a way to move forward and find meaning day in and day out”, says McFate of the EP and songwriting approach.

Using his creativity as an outlet, Tim McFate has been writing songs, performing, and recording for years. Along with art and photography, the songwriter is influenced by a variety of life lessons and growing up with a heavy love for music. After releasing his debut EP Devoured By Misquotes in 2011, McFate began working on new material and honing in his skills in the recording process until finally, the Good Reasons EP was born.

The Good Reasons EP is now available for streaming and downloads on most major digital outlets, and McFate is consistently working on new material as he continues to perform and create.

As McFate himself puts it, “When I was four years old, my mother gave up trying to keep up with my wandering ways and simply pinned a note to my shirt in the morning:”Please don’t feed me. What I have become is an artist, a maker. I am always amazed and truly delighted when I can make my way and be of use with what I might bring to the table on any given day.”

SOURCE: Official Bio
