Tuesday X has a wild and jumbled history, split between its life as a solo recording project, and the live band that followed.

Beginning in October of 2015 as a self-titled EP recorded by Seth Babbitt from Williston, ND, the 6 song collection of lo-fi 4-track cell phone recordings, was already significantly different than what Seth’s other projects sounded like at the time. After a small handful of shows under Tuesday X, either with friends Anthony Flores(Bass) and Bastian Doney(Drums) helping fill in holes, or else as a solo acoustic act, Seth embarked to record a full-length album by himself as Tuesday X. The resulting project, “Self Doubt & Perpetual Sadness” was hastily recorded and released on Bandcamp in November of 2016, with limited attention given.

2017 saw the release of “Tuesday X II”, Pop-friendly sequel to the original concept, followed by a series of singles and covers and a re-recorded version of the self-titled EP, all of which have gained moderate attention. But it was the release of the screamer, “Toddler” at the end of that year that really gained attention for Tuesday X.

2018 was a slower year to start, with a single early in the year and a summer tour that was abandoned early on. This followed with the dissolution of the original live lineup of Tuesday X. Many struggles during this time are touched upon in Tuesday X’s Third album “Nocturna”, which was a dramatic step forward in terms of sound and mood.

Tuesday X has relocated from western North Dakota to Minneapolis and has even bigger plans from this point. Expect a new change in direction again beginning in 2019 with their new full-length album “Pop” coming on February 12, 2019. Find featured singles “Pop Music”, “Them”, and “Stay Occupied” online now!

SOURCE: Official Bio
