Emi Meyer has released her new single titled ‘Space’ as of today. Emi is an artist that is clearly in touch with her talents having found her sound and honed her craft. I say this because, well, this is a beautiful song. Emi marries her talents as a soulful singer with her skill and learned history as an accomplished pianist into a song that is such a future classic its hard to grasp that this is a new song.

Being about the trials and tribulations of being a modern introvert in the modern era of isolation gives added weight and a somber relation that is captured in the music like a personal soundtrack. Bravo.

About Emi Meyer

Born in Kyoto, Japan, Emi Meyer grew up in Seattle, Washington. Having studied jazz and classical piano since the age of six, Emi began her musical career at the keyboard. She self-produced her first album, Curious Creature, in 2007. Never afraid to experiment and take matters in her own hands, she is paving a path between Los Angeles and Tokyo.

In “Space”, Meyer looks back on past friendships and relationships and her struggles to get close to people. She asks herself “How much space is enough?”. Quarantine re-contextualizes the track as it sheds different lights on relationships. People thought to be close become far while others considered more distant become closer than ever before.
