Vix 20 release a double dose of aonic assault in the form of their AA singles ‘Hashtag Change’ and ‘Me Gwanishi’. The former is a power rock/pop mix and blend of crunchy guitars and layered vocals done in such a way as to keep the listener interested and mixed perfectly for a good sound system. I mention that last part because we tend to use earbuds these days, but please, do yourself a favor and listen to these tracks on a proper stereo.

‘Me Gwanishi’ harks back to those 90’s post-punk days with all the glory of the hooks and power-beats therein.

Each track leaves its mark and gives you back that smirk in your smile you may have lost these last few years.

About Vix 20

Vix 20 are Gary Mills and CJ, two music industry veterans who grew so disillusioned with the state of every element of the music industry that they threw their guitars out of the window and sulked for a few years. Now rejuvenated, though no less prickly about the Modern Age, they return, to quote the band themselves, “we’re hard rockers turned to the dark side of pop”.

As evidenced on their previous single, Digital Age, their passion for power-pop (don’t say ‘punk-pop’ to them, it suggests too much jumping around) and dexterity with words combines to become insanely catchy 3-minute thunderbolts.

The track Hashtag Change pushes the envelope even further with the glorious cut-up tones of Donald Trump delivering a love letter to his beloved Melania.

Usually, a band would flash their pedigree and tell you about all the incredible things members of Vix20 achieved during their years in music. Regale you with stories of rock n roll decadence, tours, and air miles…from Rick Wakeman on a beach in Tenerife to L A Reid in New York City, not to forget becoming Dutch Rock Heroes…but you probably wouldn’t believe them anyway.

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And so it was 25 years after their first school band and after a period of time spent apart sheltering from the music industry, label politics and amoral men in suits, CJ and Mills quite accidentally started making music again…strictly for fun, right?

Sure, right up until Mills arranged the commercial release of ‘Digital Age’. This has made CJ very angry but Mills thinks it will be fine. Each cut on the Vix20 debut album draws from their eclectic influences.

After the surprising reach of Digital Age, The second single follows up where we left off punk leaning towards pop of Me Gwanshi and the tongue in cheek day in the life of the commander and Chief.

SOURCE: Official Bio