Ben Walsh premieres his new video for the track titled ‘She Gives Me Love’ right here on Jammerzine! And this is a real honor, to say the least. Ben is such a solid artist with a retro style that puts a smile on your face as much as it puts a pep in your step.

With his Gretsch guitar (bonus points right there), Ben electrifies the stage of a hometown bar after a long and weary journey and lights thee eyes of his hometown compatriots with a foot-stomping good time that only Ben knows how to deliver. ‘She Gives Me Love’ allows Ben to give them hell. Brilliant!

About Ben Walsh

Ben Walsh is a rare kind of musician these days. Born and raised in the Australian beach-town-slash-hippie-enclave of Byron Bay, his long blond hair and flat-brimmed hat make him easy to identify as a music-maker. But perhaps nothing tells you as much about Walsh as his smile: a big, broad, toothy grin that seems to make his whole face open up. He smiles often and he smiles easy and talking to him, you get the sense that his facial muscles may actually be more comfortable smiling than they are at rest. He’s the kind of person where you feel like he could connect with anyone and form a true friendship within the first 5 minutes of talking to them – and as life so often imitates art, that’s exactly what he seeks to do with his music.

SOURCE: Official Bio

Photo by C.D. Hale.