Run Remedy has today premiered her new video titled ‘WOMAN: Belladonna’. This is more of a short film and, hopefully, a public service announcement as much as it is a music video. This is also a video that has come at the right time.

My first thought was from when I was a young boy waiting for my mom to take me to school and how, while it only took me the length of making my bed, taking a shower and getting my clothes on; my mom was still ‘putting her face on’ when I was finished. As an innocent child, I never understood this. My dad took even less time than me to get ready. And now I get it. ‘WOMAN: Belladonna’ has answered every question I have about this. That double standard that women should be seen and not heard. That their looks are what attracts a husband, which they need to survive in this society. I am so glad that this is being exposed in this day and age. Change is slow. Progress is slower. But persistence is patient.

This song, even without the video, is a message wrapped in luminous and subtly engulfing music. A wake up call. After watching this and reflecting on it, I realize why I say some of the things I say to my fiancé. I love it when she doesn’t wear makeup. She is simply beautiful. Beyond words. And now I believe I know why I love it when she doesn’t ‘put her face on’, Because I love her true face. There is a reason they call it makeup, in my opinion. It is intended to ‘make up’ for your shortcomings. The shortcomings that society as told you repeatedly. If that last sentence resonated with you then please watch this video. Watch it two or three times. And watch it again when you need to. Learn about yourself.

About Run Remedy & ‘WOMAN: Belladonna’

Shot at Koob’s Manchester home by independent filmmaker Luke Bather (well known for directing music videos for Shame, The Sherlocks and more), this video captures in raw, unflinching detail the laborious beauty routines we go through just to feel comfortable in our skin. Looking deeper, WOMAN: Belladonna is an internal battle cry, reflected in the boldness and irreverence of the video, encapsulating the normalisation of embedded beauty requisites and the toxic relationship between them and our perceived value and self-worth.

“What started in my head as an artsy abstract concept video involving cosmetic trash became something much more personally revealing. Luke challenged me to face what I was really scared of when writing this song in the first place; so it ended up with me bare faced and bare assed under fluorescent lights doing my actual beauty routine before being able to step out the door.”

An apostate of the classical music world, Koob redirected and became a multi-genre violinist before finding her own creative voice as Run Remedy. Since moving to the UK, Koob has collaborated prolifically as a guitarist, violinist and singer with the likes of Blanket, Pijn, Jon Coley and Francis Lung. She is now excited to be releasing her Run Remedy madness onto the world. Recorded by Joe Clayton at No Studio in the heart of Manchester, WOMAN: Belladonna will be released as a single across all major platforms on July 9th.