Loveletter has today released their new single titled ‘Dead Weight’ from their upcoming EP ‘Testament’ dropping June 7th. Raw with power and drunk on originality, Loveletter show the indie world not only how it’s done but how it started. That live feeling within the track is as infectious as it is unpredictable. The feeling of being their and capturing a band at their most baseline and guttural while showing the talent and core of the track is something that, I feel, may be lost in the new world of ProTools and AxeFX.

Fear not, however, because Loveletter has written a loveletter to to music with a track that says ‘see them live’ and takes indie back to it’s roots while moving it all the way forward.

About Loveletter

“This is kind of the foundation of Loveletter: heavy sludge, throbbing basslines, fuzz guitar, and massive drums,” says Loveletter’s Gabriella Zappia. “The contrast in the B part, where the bass takes over the melody, adds some light to shape the darkness. You’ve got to be economical with a 3 piece.”

She further explains the recording process. “We wanted the recordings to sound as live as possible, so that’s how we tracked it— all together in the same room so everything feels a bit off the rails. I’d worked with Martin Bisi before and knew his style, and the cavernous space at his studio would make the sound as big as possible. Legendary dude, solid instincts—everyone loves Martin. We finally delivered it to Sarah Register, asking her to master it as loud as human ears would allow and then some. She graciously accepted the challenge and still made all the frequencies sound gorgeous and rich.”

“Dead Weight” follows the release of the EP’s first single, “Prophets,” which came out last month. The track explores themes of resilience, rebirth, and unapologetic desire. Zappia invites listeners to reflect on the dichotomy of “beware false prophets” versus seizing opportunities with fearless determination.

Loveletter is also announcing a Brooklyn EP Release show on June 7 at Main Drag Music in Williamsburg and will include performances by Reid Paley Trio and Johnny Leitera (Tuff Sunshine).

EP Release Show

Fans of post-punk, ’90s alt-rock, and no-wave will find a new obsession in Loveletter. The band’s raw, kinetic energy evokes the spirit of icons like Kim Gordon, Sleater-Kinney Mudhoney, and A Place to Bury Strangers.

Gabriella Zappia, the band’s songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist, draws inspiration from her eclectic upbringing in a small Texas town. Introduced to music through her father’s jazz and classical records, Zappia’s musical journey took flight with the discovery of SST and Sub Pop catalogs brought home by her older sisters. Songwriting became her vehicle for escape and expression, leading her on a global odyssey from Pittsburgh to Rome to London, before ultimately finding her artistic home in New York City.

Joined by bassist Dennie Gray, a seasoned musician with roots in Alabama’s rock scene, and drummer Melissa Houston, who’s shared bills with everyone from Death Valley Girls to Wayne Kramer.

Following a string of electrifying performances, including opening slots for Bat Fangs and Frightwig, Loveletter entered the studio with veteran producer Martin Bisi (Sonic Youth, Swans, Boredoms) to record Testament in December 2023.

Testament is a sonic journey through the shadowy alleys of NYC, each track a testament to the resilience instilled in its inhabitants. From the cool detachment of “Bully” to the white-knuckle resolve of “Dead Weight,” Loveletter’s sound oscillates between vulnerability and ferocity, culminating in the awakening anthem of “Prophets” and the defiant roar of “Burn Up On Reentry.”

Featured image by Lacey Browne.

'Testament' cover.
‘Testament’ cover.


  1. Bully
  2. Dead Weight
  3. Prophets
  4. Burn Up On Reentry