A mild-mannered historian meets the woman of his dreams, but she’s got a secret. She’s an 800-year-old vampire seeking to be human again. Together can they break the curse and free her from an eternity of torment?

That’s the story behind NH writer Tim Morgan’s short film, My DreamGirl Was A Vampire. The story follows Grant (Billy J. Pomerleau) in his quest to free beautiful vampire Stefanie (Kimberley Miller). The movie was originally envisioned as a film festival entry and filmed entirely in NH. Morgan decided to release the film after the festival season ends through Amazon Instant Video.

In preparation for the release, Morgan is releasing a book of the film that includes the original script, notes on the production, and full-color stills and behind-the-scenes photos. The book will launch on Amazon.com on August 16, 2014. My DreamGirl Was A Vampire: The Book of the Film will be available in paperback and Kindle editions.

“I’m excited for this movie,” says writer/director/producer Tim Morgan. “Aside from being a good story about two complex characters, this is an inside look at what goes into making an indie film. You’ll get to see the challenges and the rewards of making a movie in a short period of time with a tight budget.”

Morgan is a small-time filmmaker and independent author. His zombie novel, The Trip, is available on Amazon.com.

For more information on My DreamGirl Was A Vampire, please visit the official web site: http://www.timmorgan.us/dreamgirl

More information on Morgan is available at his web site: http://www.timmorgan.us

You can follow Morgan on Twitter as well. His Twitter handle is @tmorgan_2100