Jackbow drops their new album titled ‘Is This Forever?’ on November 8th. From the opening salvo fired in ‘Animal’, I knew this was going to be a dripping syringe of adrenaline shot right into my arm without warning. ‘Is This Forever? is an album that simply does not let up with an audio assault of perfectly toned guitars and bass in aggressive unison delivering hard-edged yet hook-filled tracks from five hungry musicians that demand your attention; and will get it.

About Jackbow

Jackbow is five young guys from the heart of the wild west, Nordfjordeid in Norway, their Punk/Rock music represents the dark side of youth through desperation, aggression and lots of energy. The band’s debut EP, ‘Is This Forever?’ draws inspiration from bands such as Royal Blood.

Jackbow has spent the last year making this EP and honing their sound. After becoming ‘Newcomer of the Year’ in Norway, Jackbow played at the Luttfestival arranged by NRK, which is the largest TV network in Norway. They’ve also played several other festivals in 2019 including Malakoff, a festival with over 20,000 visitors which was a highlight and they’re planning to make an even bigger mark on the Norwegian festival in 2020.

The band’s next goal is to go international, Jackbow released their first single in the Summer of 2018 and they’ve have amassed almost 90,000 streams on Spotify alone, now is the time to take it to the next level so jump on board.
