(leave) nelson b is set to drop his new album titled ‘2.0: Phantom’ on January 24th via Lonely Ghost Records. To say that this album is ethereal, visceral, and harmonically beautiful would be an understatement. But, what I want to emphasize is that this album is also consistent. Consistent in the fact that each track stands on its own. Whether it is the surprising ‘Just Lie Kevin’ (specifically surprising if you are a Cure fan), or the shoegaze heavy ‘Post Mortem’, there is something for every taste and emotion laid out in ways you may never suspect.

(leave) nelson b thinks outside of the box as a songwriter yet destroys the box when its time to record. Darkly crafted beats with distinct harmonies explored with varied instrumentation and sampling give new life and hope to those jaded with where the music scene may be headed. With (leave) nelson b, it’s headed home; and home is where the heart is.

About (leave) nelson b

(leave) nelson b has been mixing and producing music for nearly the last decade. With a slant toward the funky, (leave) nelson b brings a modern spin to those classic, groovy sounds. Since signing on with Lonely Ghost Records he is most looking forward to having a pool of artists that he can have to do vocals on his tracks.

SOURCE: Official Bio

twitter25@leavenelsonb [rotatingtweets screen_name=’leavenelsonb’]

Composed, Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by Leave Nelson B

2.0: Phantom
Phantom Album Cover

Featured Samples:
Post Mortem: Dentine by Funeral Homes
The Change We Needed: The Change You Wanted by Arise, Sir!
Just Lie Kevin: Just Like Kevin by haxxer
Vincent Adultman: Princess Caroline by Superdestroyer
Ajar: Crack by Winnebago Vacation
Scrappy: Scooby by Superdestroyer
How Some: Some How by Winnebago Vacation
Daddy Issues: Spring-Heeled Jack by Father of the Year

Album Artwork Credits:

Model: S N A K E B U T T
photographer: Momo Mojo.

Released by:
Lonely Ghost Records
