Likely not many have pondered on what the result would be musically if you were to add one dash of Italy and one dash of Icelend, for instance. Sounds more like the recipe for some exotic hybrid Mediterranean/North Atlantic seafood dish than a musical dish. While it is possible to imagine the possibilities sound-wise, we advise that you just cut to the chase and do yourself a favor – have a listen below to the debut EP from My Cruel Goro. We’ve got an exclusive preview of this release from this up-and-coming band that originally formed in Italy’s coastal zone. All tracks are superb and bring to mind a whole whack of comparable bands – all of them great. We leave you with 4 words: potent virile raw sound.

About My Cruel Goro:
The Test Drive: My Cruel Goro - My Cruel GoroHailing from Italy and currently based between there and Reykjavík, Iceland, three-piece My Cruel Goro present their debut eponymous EP, featuring 3 tracks chalked full of early 70s energetic Brit rock with punk leanings, yet through the prism of a thick modern soundbed. It’s no wonder they are getting so much attention from the national press in Italy and that bloggers have referenced such paramount artists as The Clash, The Stranglers, The Jam, The Vapors, Ash, The Fratellis, Arctic Monkeys and The Offspring.

My Cruel Goro is Andrea Maraschi (vocals, guitar, programming), Andrea Marcellini (bass) and Thomas Adanti (drums). The first two met nine years ago through a mutual friend and have been making music together ever since. My Cruel Goro arose from the ashes of their previous project. “We couldn’t find reliable musicians to form a proper group with a stable lineup. Everytime it ended up being the two of us: Andrea and I,” explains Andrea Marcellini, founding member of My Cruel Goro. “We were joined by drummer Tomasso and formed the band in 2014”.

“We wanted the EP to sound as powerful and raw as our live concerts. We simply tried to leverage what we did best: energy, distortion, grit and a sprinkling of electronics if necessary,” says Andrea Maraschi. “You may either like or dislike it, but it’s flesh and bones, and that’s what you want to see on the stage, isn’t it? The inner imperfection and veracity of being human.”

These same concepts have been interwoven into their music videos, all of which are produced by Massimo Scoposki and are being revealed one by one. The video for ‘Crapford’ is premiering in The Sound of Confusion and the video for ‘Glue Buzz’ is premiering in The Record Stache.

The My Cruel Goro EP will be available on Bandcamp as a free download.

“All tracks are superb and bring to mind a whole whack of comparable bands – all of them great. We leave you with 4 words: potent virile raw sound” – Jammerzine

“Comes with punk spirit, noise digressions and post-rock intros. You like your music a little dirty, fast and loud? Get groped by My Cruel Goro” – Osservatori Esterni

“A whirling, hypnotic and fast-paced journey” – With Guitars