The G-O-D, Simon Wolstencroft’s current band, has released their new EP titled “Grafters OV Denton”, a three track modern Merseybeat that’s just as original as it is bound to it’s roots. And those roots are deep. Don’t forget, Simon is a legend when it comes to the second UK music invasion having been a member of such acts as Patrol, The Stone Roses, Freak Party and Big Unit. Plus, he turned down the drummer’s chair in The Smiths. So, to say that this band has the street cred to triumphantly release an album of such solid, beat filled, hook-laden music would be a masterful understatement. The G-O-D not only pulls it off with seamless bravado, the members of The G-O-D helped create the sound. This beat will go on.

About The G-O-D
The G-O-D don’t sound like any band you’ve heard in recent years and at the same time they manage to instantly sound like your new favourite band should. It’s like you’ve been waiting for them, you just didn’t know it.

It’s a rare thing to be unique, yes you’ll hear the Stooges, Bowie, Buzzcocks and loads more in the G-O-D’s music but you’ll come away knowing you’ve heard something new, passionate, real, raw and of its time

The G-O-D are a Manchester band who take that tired label rip it up and re-arrange it just for the fun, like proper rock n roll should.

The G-O-D are Chris Bridgett (dub sex, rude club) Funky Si Wolstencroft (Ian Brown, The Fall)

SOURCE: Official Bio