The Mystery Plan have today released their new album titled ‘Thought Bubbles’. Billed as a remix album, this is more like a re-working of such in that the songs are completely different stylistically in some places and visionary in others. Take the opener, for example. ‘The Ballad of JC Quinn (the original) has more of a beat whereas the Simon Mills Mix has more of an ambiance. True musicians will get what I am saying right off the bat. A more cinematic and audio space is what you get. Room to play. Room to listen. Each track is a reworking along those lines. Not in style, but in execution. Not so much a mystery, but that sure is a plan. And a brilliant one at that.

Check out our other features featuring The Mystery Plan HERE.

About ‘Thought Bubbles’

‘Thought Bubbles’ features mixes from Simon Mills(Bent), Steve Cobby(Fila Brazillia), Rob Tavaglione(Catalyst Recording), Jah Freedom, Jason Herring(the Mystery Plan/Muchacho), and John Fryer(This Mortal Coil/Cocteau Twins/Nine Inch Nails/Love & Rockets…).