Yuni Wa has today released his new single titled ‘The Silence Of The Night’ as a taster for his upcoming concept album ‘Hyperdrive’.

Think ‘space-soul’ meets ‘galactic-groove’ with a touch of abstract and a mountain of feeling. We get an experimental Yuni Wa. He is always an outside-the-box-thinker, though. Just check out our exclusive interview from last year with him.

He is one of those artists I can just admire because what he does comes from and sounds so naturally. He is a true artist and musician. His music gets right to the feeling without even expressing as much lyrically.

Check out our other features with Yuni Wa HERE.

About ‘Hyperdrive’

‘Hyperdrive’ is a concept album based around the story about a man who crash lands his spaceship and must rebuild his hyperdrive from materials that he can find on the planet he crashed down into. He experiences a range of emotions and becomes more delirious the deeper the story goes.

He hits a point where he wants to give up and feels completely alone. Nonetheless, he figures it out after suffering from extreme delirium in the end and is able to leave the planet but, even after he has left the planet, he never feels the same again.

The experience was traumatic, but he has to learn how to live with it.

Most people can understand the idea of hacing to learn how to live after experiencing traumatic events that create a feeling of debilitating depression. This is the same idea, but with sci-fi elements.

Yuni’s story is an abstract perspective of a real life thing, and he is conveying a story about breaking down and fixing yourself.

I regards to the style, Yuni explores deeply into the Electronic/Symthwave driven sound that he is known for, but with so much more abstract detail.

‘Hyperdrive’ thoroughly shows an older Yuni Wa that is more focused on having an avante-garde approach to electronic music. This album is ultimately a story about breaking down and fixing yourself.

Yuni Wa produced ‘Hyperdrive’ in Conway, Arkansas in January through February, 2022.

‘Hyperdrive’ will be released on all streaming platforms on May 13th.