1. Space Race indifferentmonkey 3:56

indifferentMonKeY have today released their new single titled ‘Space Race’. indifferentMonKeY is a project that has long found it’s sound and everything they release at this point in their careers is a continuous and solid evolution of that sound. Does anything else really need to be said about indifferentMonKeY, at this point? This is one of those bands that you run into when you are looking for something fresh. Something new. Something different, or, indifferent. Go down the rabbit hole with indifferentMonKeY. You won’t want to leave.

Check out our other features with indifferentMonKeY HERE.

About indifferentMonKeY

From a love of making music is indifferentMonKeY. The band are influenced by an eclectic mix of Trip Hop, Heavy Rock, Funk, Jazz, Electronic and Pop. (If you need to label it we guess “New Trip Hop”kind of says it.

With now five very recent singles out, (started releasing only in Sept 2021) the band have had an amazing start to 2022 after being played numerous times on BBC introducing and getting play listed by the iconic KCRW in LA. indifferentmonkey are getting extensive airplay on the “Amazing Radio” platform, and lots of airplay on indie stations in the UK and the USA. The single “Naked White Noise” has been chosen to be on the new VR game “Billy Talent’s Notebook”.

“Human Diamond” was recorded before the terrible invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s Russia. Until he leave Ukraine alone and withdraws his awful war machine all profits of the sale of the single will go to The Red Cross/Ukrainian Appeal.
