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Chayce Halley has come out with a brilliant masterpiece that almost feels as if it were a concept album without a concept. Sometimes it feels as though he is picking up the baton where The Flaming Lips left off but, upon closer listen, this is a very original album. Combining unique melodies with his “left of center” choice of musical sounds, Chayce creates a three ring circus of power-rock-folk-dreamy concepts that will not only make you smile but make you think.

“Bloom House” was just released via Custom Made Music.

About Chayce Halley:
Tampa Florida’s Chayce Halley is one of the best new song writers I have heard in some time. His latest album “Bloom House” is a fine collection of experimental indie pop that truly has a sound all it’s own. The vibrant ways of “Agoraphobia” start everything off in uplifting fashion and feature a variety of atmospheric tones and eclectic percussion, while “Wolf” draws you in and creates an other worldly like feel that is second to none. The experimental elements continue during the beautifully crafted “17″ where as “Sleepy Sophie B” is more straight forward and stripped down.

The light feel of “Gravity” and orchestral like “La Risa” complement the album well and show off the diversity of Chayce’s music. The album closes with the breathtaking sounds of “(A Round) for Angelina” which has a feel that is refreshing, inspiring and warm.