Gian - Life All Erased
Gian – Life All Erased

It all started in the summer of 2005. Lassi Pollari and Jasu Rossi caught a fever and the only prescription was more cowb… I mean metal. The first line up was quickly formed, the aforementioned gentlemen handling the guitar duties with Juuso Raatikainen on drums, Juho Hakalax on bass and Jampe Honkonen on vocals. This bunch of idiots ventured through four years, four demos and a shitload of awesome live shows, almost without any injuries. Then in the spring of 2009 the axe of mutual agreement swung hard and cut loose Jasu, Juuso and Juho leaving Lassi and Jampe to continue the saga of this grotesque creature.

Gian 2.0:
After a few months of recuperating and gathering new members stupid enough to join (Konsta Vehkala on drums, Henri Rahm on bass and some strange hippie on 2nd guitar) the band emerged with a clearer vision, more gigs and the Capital Punishment EP. But just guess were things that easy from that point forward? Fuck no! The band was plagued by difficulties to keep the other half of the guitar department occupied long enough to make any real progress as the years 2009-2013 saw 3 different axemen filling the spot. And at the end of 2013 they decided to put the band into hibernation mode for some time. But the story continues!

Full speed ahead:
“It’s now or never” the dudes said and got to work. After a refreshing 6 month break the summer of 2014 saw Gian recruit a new guitarist, namely Tuomo Laulainen, and then engaging to furiously rehearse for a full-lenght album. The recording began in September and the sessions were completed in the final days of December. The due date for the firstborn is February the 20th and the five fathers couldn’t be more proud of the mutated and demented nuclear freak the world is going to witness. This planet shall be left in ruins, all life erased.

Release date: February 20th 2015

Jampe Honkonen (Vocals)
Lassi Pollari (Guitar/Vocals)
Tuomo Laulainen (Guitar)
Henri Rahm (Bass/Vocals)
Konsta Vehkala (Drums)