“The seedy underbelly of any major city spawns some of the most depraved and morally reprehensible dregs of society who seek one another out to join in a range of dubious behaviours, making music being one of them.” This is how Los and the Deadlines describe their origins; an anti-establishment collective formed by Arizona native and lead vocalist Alex LoSardo, who moved to London in 2010. After being introduced to guitarist Neils Bakx, the two found common ground in their interests and influences and started composing music while studying for their undergraduate degrees.
After several line up changes and the release of two EPs, the band recruited Italian drummer Alberto Voglino and Israeli bassist Rotem Haguel. Together they embarked on the recording of their third EP ‘Perfect Holiday’ which marked a new direction in the band’s musical journey. The epitome of art-rock, Los and the Deadlines utilise cliches to convey their message through their broad-ranging sound, which encompasses grunge, stoner rock, noise rock, punk and sludge.
The band’s ‘Perfect Holiday’ EP explores the absurdities of Western civilisation by contrasting the reality of an urban, deprecating society and its oposing depiction in the mass media. This incongruence is described not only through tongue in cheek lyrics but also through music where there is an ever present competition between noise and melody through thrashing riffs and thumping rhythms.
The EP cover art, an out-of-focus photo of an almost demolished building in London, exhibits the ‘dirty’ aspects of city life; a tacky yellow background provoking a tangible sense of discomfort. The title “Perfect Holiday” is an irony that emphasizes the contrast between the object and its image or myth.
Los and the Deadlines will be supporting the release of the EP with live shows throughout the UK and Europe.
Los and the Deadlines are:
Alex LoSardo – Vocals and Guitar
Niels Bakx – Guitar
Rotem Haguel – Bass and Backing Vocals
Alberto Voglino – Drums