ØZWALD officially drops their new album titled ‘Born In A State’. Musical collaborations can go one of two ways: inherently good or brilliantly bad. I think it is safe to say that ‘Born In A State’ is the former in brilliant ways. Almost like when matter and antimatter combine, you get pure energy. ØZWALD is in that creative happy place where that pure energy is put to record with ten tracks of varied sonic bliss.

Comprised of Jason Wade of Lifehouse and Steve Stout, formerly of Lost Beach and Blondfire, ØZWALD is not what you would expect from the musical pasts of these musicians. What you get is different in so many ways. A subdued mix of styles and genres and filtered through the originality that only comes with experience, ØZWALD entraps that magic found when songwriters collectively have that ‘aha’ moment and run with it full throttle.

‘Born In A State’ is an overall easy listening disc made for the road and should be listened to from start to finish in this order. There is a story there. And that story can be yours.

‘Born In A State’ is out as of yesterday on most major platforms.

About ØZWALD & ‘Born In A State’

Comprised of Jason Wade (Lifehouse) and Steve Stout (former-Lost Beach/Blondfire), Nashville-based ØZWALD doles out everyday wisdom on an indie platter. A departure from their first record, Sweet Delirium, ØZWALD’s new LP Born In A State is inspired by their environment in the heart of Tennessee. These songs tell stories from the perspective of two creatives pondering the value of art and music in a world of likes and follows. Truly Nashville, this collection is organic, quietly eccentric, and full of nostalgia.

Roughly five years ago, Stout was called in to play as the guitarist on an international Lifehouse tour that would eventually have its US route canceled, but a bond began to form between Stout and Wade on the overseas run. Following the tour, Wade needed an engineer to assist him in his California studio where they both lived at the time and called Stout.

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What began as an artist/engineer relationship quickly evolved to an artist/artist partnership and the two immersed themselves in the inspiration of something new as they set the goal of completing three songs in two weeks. The duo amassed a total of twelve songs that made up their first record, Sweet Delirium.

They have since moved from Los Angeles to Nashville and quickly found the change of scenery influencing the way they approach writing songs, with the aesthetic of their surroundings really bleeding into the music. Deeper and more colorful, Born In A State probes the melancholic world of Art Pop and Indie Folk, conjuring up the work of Wilco and Foxwarren while retaining their signature levity.
