The Smokes have today released their new album titled ‘G.O.V.T. Graffiti”. At that first listen the guitars grab you by the b*lls and simply twist you into submission. But wait, there’s more here. Much more. That unique blend of said guitars with bombastic rhythm and bomb shuttering drums lay the foundation for the angst in the angry and the anthem in the lyrics. This is an album that will make you think, drink, and add some sonic stink to your soul. Welcome to the next experience of your life.

About The Smokes

Filtering through the endless rage, The Smokes are an American Rock band formed in Spokane, WA in 2014. Matt Slater (drums and vocals) and Himes Alexander (guitar and vocals) combine garage rock, punk and soul in just the right ratio. Lo-fi forward, pithy riffs create a heavy, punk influenced back beat that lay a foundation for the smokes’ thought provoking song structures and subjects. They play with a reckless abandon providing acerbic social commentary that is evocative of a time when rock was fun, unhinged, and honest. Their upbeat and whimsical personalities exist in stark juxtaposition to the personal and honest subject matter of their lyrics.

Their latest album, G.O.V.T. Graffiti was recorded with legendary Seattle producer Jack Endino. The album was intended to be a lighter perspective on life, but then a pandemic happened, and a nation wide uprising for civil rights was born out of Minneapolis. As the album was delayed, the songs began to change and evolve into not a lighter perspective, but a more raw, honest, vulnerable snapshot of where we are with hopeful eyes looking to the future.

The album examines the valleys in the wave of self growth, the times when its harder to see the sun through the trees, and focusing on the joy of just the trees, and how they are just as important in the harmony giving life to the body and the planet. G.O.V.T. Graffiti releases in January 2022 at the Big Dipper in Spokane WA.