Blume Hinges is today releasing their new album titled ‘Build Your Castle Inside of a Mountain’. The album takes an almost avant garde approach to songwriting and recording at times, but that is what gives it it’s signature sound. Each track is different enough to create a favorite in all of us but that signature is there to tell you who this is.

‘Build Your Castle Inside of a Mountain’ has been released (today) at the perfect time in the early part of the decade which should elevate Blume Hinges status and help define the 20’s in music. We can all dream, can’t we?

About Blume Hinges

Canadian (Saskatoon) based Aaron Egeland writes original, hook-driven, melodic material that draws heavily from: alt rock, noise rock, and grunge with experimental leanings influenced by an eclectic array of rock and pop artists. Back in 2016, Egeland began a long-distance collaboration with Chicago-based multi-instrumentalist Scott Simon Haus along with drummer Rodney Veinot to flesh out and fully realize the material he had written – under the moniker Blume Hinges. The end result was Egeland’s 2017 full-length debut, “We Float”.

Blume Hinges sophomore release, Build Your Castle Inside of a Mountain, is due March 19th, 2021. Egeland states, “Songwriting and music have always been solitary pursuits for me… and I enjoy creating little worlds, little microcosms of stories in song form. For me, my songs are little illusions, little fictional stories. And for a long time, no one heard them except for me. So, for me, the new record represents building something beautiful.”

About ‘Build your Castle Inside Of A Mountain’

It’s the sophomore album from a talented but reclusive artist, who’s only now starting to pull back the current on their introverted songwriting. The album is about an identity crisis of sorts, and resolving to find peace in the creation of art in isolation, an apt theme for our distanced times, though the album was written in 2017. Highlights like opener “My Sides” uses subtle vocal delays to build tension to it’s alt rock chorus, a feeling shared with the driving “One in the Same”. There’s plenty of reprise from the heavier moments, with songs like “Taxi Cabs” ditching the crashing drums for sparkling guitar moments.

The album’s release has been a stop and go process, with illness and family troubles sidelining the record through much of 2020. Now that it’s finally coming out (on Chicago based Diversion Records), I’d love to have your support this week or next.