With the new single “Fever” now making the rounds throughout the world, it is now an absolute necessity to explore the rest of the album tentatively titled “Travelling Man”. The album starts out with a great opener which is actually “Fever”. But the journey really revs up with the next track “Anne”, an aurally stunning track with a rich and melodically heavy chorus that simply must be heard. It really uplifted my spirits when I heard it. The album slows down just a bit for the next track “Dancing” which has a fantastically live sound with unique a pleasing blend of guitars that will really sound good on any higher end stereo setup. In fact, that is the ideal setting to listen to this album.

This is not an iPod or mobile device album by any means because that setting will not do any of these songs justice. They must be heard in the ideal atmosphere because the music is really recorded and mixed attentively as if recorded back in the heyday of stereophonic recording where great care was taken to get every note not just musically correct but sonically as well. The possible title track and “Destiny” are prime examples of this. The guitar seems to be the very ocean the guitar seamlessly floats on.

It’s hard to find a favorite track on an album this well crafted. Bravo!

Nigel Thomas’ new album will be released next February. I highly recommend you keep an eye out for it! In the mean time, check out our exclusive interview with Nigel HERE.
