With a combination of ingenious swagger, reckless abandon, and pop sensibility, Sea + Air have achieved a new level of pop music which they have defined as “Ghost Pop” Simultaneously daunting and melodic with beats and rhythm that can linger in your mind like a hangover headache after a debaucherous night of mindful drinking and mindless sex Sea + Air place their music right in that moment when you have no regrets and have stored that memory to forever keep to yourself and give you that smirk on your face that only you know the reason behind. Meet your new guilty pleasure.

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Sea-&-Air-Evropi-cover-artAbout Sea + Air:
SEΛ + ΛIR define their songs as “Ghost Pop“; a mixture of long-lost Mediterranean melodies and exotic instruments telling a story of their own. Influenced by Pontic music and Rembetiko and utilising traditional Greek instruments like the lyra and the bouzouki their music tells the story of the bands adventures across modern day Europe, and combined with their relationship to Europe and Eleni’s personal history it became the story of a family that hadn’t had a home for generations. The story of a journey from Asia Minor to Greece, Germany and back across Europe, as Eleni says “my family were used to this since my grandmother was expelled from Anatolia in 1922. Being refugees, migrant workers, or musicians. Homelessness is a part of us and one reason why I can’t stay at the same place for a long time“.

As producer Tim Burzon says of his creative thinking for the production of the album: “I had been listening to TV On The Radio’s Dear Science which has loads of drive and space and seamlessly combines acoustic and programmed elements.”

SEΛ + ΛIR have played over 600 shows in 22 countries and spent the last 3 years non-stop touring across Europe as well as stints in the USA and Canada. They are touring the UK in October supporting Duke Special. Nomads at heart Daniel explains how their restlessness is reflected in their music: “Travelling Europe and getting close to all of its different faces while you recognise yourself in it causes a strange tension. The same way the darkness of the past fights the light of the future, these experiences evoke a positive anxiety to Evropi”.

About Source: Official Bio
