Keep in mind when you listen to ‘The Last Summer’, the new album from Florida’s own Thoughts that, not only is the band young, but each member is young as well. You would never have known that had I not just mentioned it. Upon my first listen of ‘The Last Summer’, the first thing I noticed was the absolutely golden quality of, not only the songs, but the songwriting as well. they are solid as granite.

Each track has that ‘I’m the next single’ quality about it without lending to the notion that the band really struggled to write them, which I don’t think they did. I think it comes naturally to them. What we have here are ten solid hook-laden tracks demanding a listen. I would suggest listening to this in the car. This makes a perfect travel companion.

About Thoughts
Dynamic, Florida-based trio Thoughts literally just graduated high school and have perfectly captured the carefree, breezy vibe of the definitive summer before adulthood. They’ve been likened to the lovechild of The Strokes and Jamiroquai, equal parts shimmering soul and indie grit, with rhapsodic reviews in Impose and Sounds Good.

SOURCE: Official Bio